I have a confession to make. I didn't used to read indie authors.
Back when I began my publishing journey, when it felt like everyone was rolling their eyes at me and my first indie book (and second, and third), I bought into the idea that self-published books weren't good reading.
This is a horrendous lie, of course. Self-publishing was the foundation of literature long before "traditional" publishing was a thing. And with so few publishers in relation to writers, amazing works are passed over by brick and mortar houses every day.
While it's true, I've read some indie authors that I don't enjoy, I've read plenty of contracted books that I hated, too. In the end, it doesn't matter how a story came to be, only that it's been told.
I have been blessed in the years since to have met some incredibly talented writers who self publish or work with independent presses. They've changed my views on what makes a good story, for the better. Which brings me to Melanie A. Smith and her first book, The Safeguarded Heart.
This is such a wonderful debut novel. Full of rich characters, high-tech villains and a sensual romance to make you swoon. Melanie knows how to weave words that will keep you up at night (in a good way). I can't wait to dive into the sequel.
If you're looking for a steamy romance novel, head over to Amazon to pick up a copy of The Safeguarded Heart in paperback or on Kindle.
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