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Becoming a Featured Contributer

A lot of growth has been seen on the writing front these last few weeks.  As I mentioned last week, I have been accepted as a writer for but I've also seen some great forward movement in my other writing.  As Associated Content has become merged into the Yahoo! Contributer Network, I decided to go out on a limb and apply for one of their featured writer positions.  I am happy to announce that I have been accepted as a Featured Travel Contributer!  What this means for me is more consistent writing assignments, more money (hopefully) and greater exposure on the web.  I'm very excited by this, even though it is taking me some getting used to the new content guidelines that Yahoo! has put together.  I'm sure that with practice I will catch on soon though.

For a quick trip through the travel articles that won me my Featured Contributor title, please feel free to click the links below.  And the next time you're looking for a vacation, give one of them a try!

Travel by Train this Holiday Season
Casino Games Always Pay Out with the Coyote Club at Spirit Mountain Casino
Flying Cheap with Continental Airlines
Dragon*Con 2010 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Castle Bed and Breakfast in Lakewood, Washington
Top 3 Weekend Getaways for Fall in the Pacific Northwest
Top 10 Unusual Hotels in the U.S.
Pacific Northwest Underground Tours
Ghost Tours in Seattle, Washington
Blast from the Past: The Teardrop Trailer
McMinville, Oregon: A Weekend Getaway in Your Own Back Yard

Thornewood Castle; Lakewood, Washington
Photo taken by Denise Kawaii


  1. Congratulations on the featured contributor acceptance.


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