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The Rewards of Being Your Own Boss

There are a lot of drawbacks to being self-employed (that mortgage payment isn't going to pay itself, you know); but hopefully if you are blessed with a strong work-ethic, a solid idea of who you are and what you stand for, the ability to promote yourself and a healthy dose of luck then you can become successful at whatever you are doing and create a career that is brimming with rewards.

It does take a lot of guts, resolve and door-knocking to make it outside of the "typical" work environment, but the feat is not impossible if you have a plan, keep a steady schedule and give yourself a chance to make it.  I've had an entrepreneurial spirit since I was very young, and I've made many attempts at owning my own businesses with varying degrees of success (and some pretty substantial failures).

I would be lying if I said that I was able to single-handedly solve the world's financial crisis with the earnings coming in from my various blogs and online articles.  That doesn't mean that I don't count myself as one of the few success stories coming out of the recession though.  Even in the pit of our nation's financial downswing I was able to walk away from my desk job and start weaving words for a living.  This is where I would normally say, "And if I can do it, anyone can," but frankly that just isn't the case.  It takes a certain kind of person; someone who is willing to  invest in themselves, gamble on their prospects and grit their teeth as they struggle to stick to a fixed work schedule laced with housework and the distracting gaze of the local Dutch Brothers.

I've made it this far though, and 5 months into the venture I'm meeting my monthly earnings goals, keep coming up with great ideas for articles and have expanded my reader base.  It isn't a fast process, but I know that as long as I stick to my guns then a year from now I'll be gazing back at this blog post with fond nostalgia, and a long list of successes.

Currently Reading:
Streams of Silver: The Icewind Dale Trilogy, Part 2 (Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt, Book V) (Pt. 2)


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