I spent the last weekend roaming downtown Atlanta for Dragon*Con 2010, and the experience gave me so much writing material that 9 days into the month I'm already meeting my writing goals for September. Whenever you are feeling the pinch of writers block or you are backed up against a deadline and can't think of what to write, get out of the office and live a little!
One of the easiest articles to write is a review of a product, service or event that you have used/experienced recently. Travelling (whether around your home-town or across the globe) gives alert writers volumes of experiences to write about. Airlines, restaurants, shows and events, classes and films are all fair game for your review, and all you really need in order to write a compelling review is your own opinion.
Although writing reviews may not be your favorite type of writing, and may not spur your most creative thought, they can help you to keep the writing habit going. Getting into a dry-spell of ideas can lead to a writer's-drought that lasts weeks, moths or years, and so finding "easy" topics to write about to keep you afloat while you are waiting for your next best-selling idea can help to keep your mind and fingers moving and keep writers block at bay.
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