While I've been writing and editing my story for the Make Them Pay; Thriller Anthology , I've been reading the second book in Gregg Olsen's Detective Megan Carpenter series. This is probably the third or fourth book from Olsen that I've read in recent memory. He isn't my favorite author, but he is certainly one to pick up when I simply want to read something I am pretty sure I'll be able to get through without a lot of effort. Water's Edge promised that for me, which I absolutely needed after reading another book that slogged on, and on, and on, for what felt like forever. It was a relief to pick up a book with a clear, multi-thread plot, with enough clues dropped along the way to figure the mystery out along with the characters. By two thirds of the way through, I thought I knew who did it... but was wrong! Not only do we see our detective and her associate solve the serial murders plaguing Washington's northern coastline, but we also find out more ab...
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